9th CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring & Assessment (CARMA) Network Mødet
Christine Cuyler
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Pinngortitaq/ Pinngortitaleriffik
9th CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring & Assessment (CARMA) Network Mødet
The 9th CARMA Network meeting November 2014, continues and furthes the work revolving around caribou / reindeer. CARMA has a golbal focus for status of caribou and reindeer and feeds its results into the Arctic Report Card. CARMA is the key mammal species network for CBMP (Circumpolar Biodeiversity Monitoring Program) Terrestrial group, which functions under CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora & Fauna), which functions under Arctic Council.
CARMA has developed and implemented standardized protocol manuals for monitoring caribou / reindeer abundance and body condition/health. The former is aided by CARMA’s ‘caribou calculator’ and the latter have been collated into a worldwide body condition database. CARMA has produces an atlas of caribou anatomy and hunter training videos to facilitate community involvement in the collection of body condition data from hgarvests.
CARMA has furthered the participation of caribou communities through its ‘Voices of the Caribou People’ project. CARMA has also developed Energy-Protein models to enhance the assessment of cumulative impacts of development and climate change on Rangifer populations. They have also produced a herd and seasonal range-specific daily climate database covering the period 1979 to 2012.
This year’s theme is “inmplementing the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment”.
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9th CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment, CARMA, Network Meeting